International Science Prize on Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene
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    Award Winners 2024  
Recipient of the International Science Prize International Recognitions Press Releases and Press Reports

Award of the Second International Science Prize 2024 of the HGBS on the Theme:
“Ecocide: Impacts of Wars and/or Climate Change on Food Security since 1945


  • English Interview with Assoc. Prof. Gregory M. Thaler, Oxford University (by Hans Günter Brauch, i.p.)
  • English Interview with Dr. Victor Tsilonis, lawyer, Thessaloniki, and ICC, The Hague (by Hans Günter Brauch, i.p.)

The Interviews were recorded by Mr. Christian Seibold on 11 October 2024 and the videos were also produced by him.

Press Reports

  • Rhein-Neckar-ZeitungStadtanzeiger

HGBS Press Releases on International Science Prizes 2024

Three HGBS International Recognitions 2024

Press Reports (on the Recipients of Prizes and Recognitions] Press Reports [on the Award Ceremony]

Joint Invitation of the Lord Mayor of Mosbach, Oberbürgermeister Julian Stipp, and Chairman of the HGBS, Dr. Hans Günter Brauch Detailed Progamme of the Zeremony of the Second International Science Award [English [IX], German [X].

Programme of the Zeremony of the Second International Science Award

The Global Jury with the Support of the Board of the Hans Günter Brauch Foundation on Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene (HGBS) in Mosbach, in the State of Baden-Württemberg in Germany have both decided unanimously to award the Second International Science Prize 2024 jointly and the Total Prize Money of 3.000 Euros by Half to:

Assoc. Prof. Gregory M. Thaler (USA), Oxford University (UK) for his book: Saving a Rainforest and Losing the World – Conservation and Displacement in the Global Tropics (New Haven –London: Yale University Press, 2024). The book emerged from his PhD thesis in Government, which he obtained at Cornell University in 2017.
Dr. Victor Tsilonis, lawyer, Thessaloniki (Greece), ICC, The Hague for his book: The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2019; 22024). The book was translated from Greek and emerged from his PhD thesis he was awarded in International Criminal Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

The award ceremony will take place on Thursday, 10 October 2024, in the Lower Town Hall in Mosbach, Baden in Main Street at the Market Place (Germany). The Prize consists of a certificate and a total prize money of 3.000 Euros of which both Prize Recipients Receive 1500 € each. The prize will be awarded annually in Mosbach (Germany).

Medieval Town Hall of Mosbach/Baden in Main Street facing the Market Place

Gregory M. Thaler is an interdisciplinary environmental social scientist working on the political ecology and political economy of development, global environment-tal governance, and agrarian politics. Beginning in September 2024, he will be Associate Professor of Environmental Geography and Latin American Studies at the University of Oxford (UK). He was previously an Assistant Professor of International Affairs at the University of Georgia (USA). His prize winning book, Saving a Rainforest and Losing the World: Conservation and Displacement in the Global Tropics was published in February 2024 by the prestigious Yale University Press.

Dr Victor Tsilonis serves as the managing partner at NEWLAW, Greece’s nominee for the 2020 ICC judicial elections, highly praised by the independent Advisory Committee on the Nominations of Judges, and distinguished member of the International Criminal Court Bar Association, serving twice as vice-president and chair of the Professional Standards Advisory Committee. He has been an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University. His ground breaking work, The Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (Springer, 2024), addresses some of the most pressing legal challenges of our time, including the regulation of lethal autonomous weapon systems, AI, cyber warfare, and the newly emerging crime of ecocide.

Both International Science Prizes on the Ecocide: Focusing on the political and legal concept and on Impacts of Wars and/or Climate Change on Food Security since 1945 will be awarded by The Hans Günter Brauch Foundation for Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene co-organised with the town of Mosbach. Lord Mayor Julian Stipp will give a reception and welcome the prize recipients, speakers and citizens and high school students of participating schools. The chair of the HGBS Dr. Hans Günter Brauch will outline the second call: Ecocide: Impact of Wars and Global Environmental and Climate Change on Food Security.

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheffran, em., Hamburg University, will present the work of Prof. Dr. Gregory M. Thaler (USA/UK), while PD Dr Hans Günter Brauch, ret., will present the second prize winner Dr. Victor Tsilonis who endorsed the potential recognition of ‘Ecocide’ as a new crime in international environmental law through the proposed foundation of a new International Criminal Court for the Protection of the Environment (ICCPE).

International Recognitions

The HGBS Jury decided during the first award of the International Science Prize in July 2023 to offer additional international recognitions to young scholars, for free publication of their PhD thesis, or for an unpublished authored or edited book for which they will receive a honorarium after its publication. During the second International Science Prize Award ceremony on 10 October 2024, three candidates from the Global South will receive a certificate with a book contract with Springer and a honorarium:

  • Dr. Annet Adong (Kampala, Uganda) for her PhD on: Armed Conflicts and Forced Displacements: Incentives and Consequences on Consumption and Social Preferences (Bonn University, Centre for Development Studies, 2020).
  • Dr. Melissa Roxana Quispe-Zuniga (Trujillo, Peru; Bonn, Germany) for her PhD: Mining and Small-Scale Farming in the Andes: Socio-Environmental Roots of Land-Use Conflict (Bonn University, Centre for Development Studies, 2020).
  • Dr. Christo Idowu Odeyemi (Nigeria/Australia) for his PhD on: Climate Risk and Climate Security: A Comparison of Norm Emergence under the FCCC, the EU and the UNSC, 2001–2019 (University of Technology Sydney, 2021, Sydney, Australia). As this book has already been accepted by another major publisher for publication, Dr. Odeyemi is invited to publish his second English monograph with Springer Nature.


Dr. Annet Adong is an Agricultural Economist with the Center for Population and Applied Statistics, Makerere University, Uganda and an Independent Consultant. Her research interest is at the intersection of agriculture, conflicts and forced displace-ments. Her PhD at Bonn University of Bonn (2021) is on: “Armed Conflicts and Forced Displacements: Incentive and Consequences on Con-sumption and Social Preferences”. Dr. Melissa Roxana Quispe-Zuniga received her PhD from Bonn University (2020). She was funded by the DAAD-BMZ Scholarship for her PhD stu-dies (2015-2019), the VLIR-UOS Scholarship for her Master's studies (2012-2014), and the ERASMUS MUNDUS BAPE Scholarship during her Bachelor studies (2010-2011). Since 2020, she has worked as a project manager in different pharmaceutical companies in Germany. Dr. Christo Idowu Odeyemi is a visiting researcher at Kyoto University in Japan. He holds a PhD, Humanities and Social Sciences, Univ. of Technology Sydney, Australia), a MA in International Politics, Victoria Univ., Australia, a MA of International Security, Massey Univ., New Zealand, and a MA in International Relations, New Zealand. His PhD dissertation on “Climate risk and climate security: A comparison of norm emergence under the FCCC, the UNSC and the EU, 2001–2019” resulted in several scientific journal articles.

In a brief presentation Prof. Dr. Ursula Oswald Spring, a former minister of ecological development from Cuernavaca in Mexico and Deputy Board Chair of HGBS and its Jury, will present the three recipients of an international recognition originating from Uganda, Peru and Nigeria.

Finally, Dr. Hans Günter Brauch will award four Peace Music Prizes to musicians from Nicolaus-Kistner high school (Mosbach) for their musical contributions. The ceremony will conclude with a farewell speech by Landrat Dr. Achim Brötel: On Local Action and implementation.

This award ceremony does not require an invitation, and it is open to everyone both locally and abroad in person or online once the videos of the key speakers have been produced and uploaded to this website by end of October 2024.


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