International Science Prize on Peace and Ecology in the Anthropocene
Science Prize Call for 2023
Science Prize

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Science Prize
Theme of
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International Press Global Jury Call for 2024
Science Prize
Theme of
2024 ISP
Award Winners 2024  
Learn and Act Locally! International Peace and Ecology
Science Prize in the Anthropocene
Think, Research and Implement Globally!

Mosbach, City hall and market place,
Baden-Württemberg, Germany

Hans Günter Brauch in the Park
of the United Nations Headquarter, 2009

Book Launch, March 2011 with
Mexican delegate and Ursula Oswald Spring

A Project of the
Hans Günter Brauch Foundation

President of the UN General Assembly,
where Hans Günter Brauch spoke in 2011

Jean–Marc Caicaud, head UNU Office in New York,
and German Amb. to the UN, Miguel Berger, 2011

United Nations Headquarter,
East River, New York City, N.Y.

Ursula Oswald Spring in the Park
of the UNO Headquarter, May 2009

Hans Günter Brauch presenting the book
Facing Global Environmental Change, 2011

Book launch hosted by the head of the New York Office of the United Nations University, Jean-Marc Coicaud, in March 2011
with representatives of Mexico, Sr. Jorge Laguna-Celis and of Germany, Amb. Miguel Berger

Book launch hosted by the head of the New York Office of the United Nations University, Jean-Marc Coicaud, in March 2009 with
Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Amb. Thomas Matussek (Germany) and Amb. Joy Ogwu (Nigeria)

Launch of a Report of the UN Secretariat to
Combat Desertification by H.G. Brauch
and U. Oswald Spring on Soil Security

Book launch hosted by the head of the New York Office of the United Nations University, Jean-Marc Coicaud in March 2009 with
Achim Steiner, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Amb. Thomas Matussek (Germany) and Amb. Joy Ogwu (Nigeria)

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